Hai friends you know what... Who is wikipedia's owner? Jimmy wales..?
No you are wrong..
In india we have a term called "public property" like that wiki is a asset of you, me, a college student, hacker, cracker, programmer, doctor, accoundant... the list grows.. its the property of
In fact wiki is property, asset of all..
So, its our responsibility to nurture it further..
Even the sea also have boundary between countries(if you cross that without permission... you are not there to cross)... but wiki don't. It's common to all without any difference between country, religion, race, sex, financial status etc..
So Why i donate to wikipedia:
I am the unfortunate one who can't access internet upto his 21'st age. After that also access to for mail and images bla bla ;).. I came to know about wiki only at my MCA academic project(Thanks to my academic project for introducing me the open source, wikipedia, and the power of web as tool to get information). So When i first seen the website such as wiki i lured by it.. I spend my most of the time with wiki..
You know what? Its nice experience to spend your time with wiki.. i read a article, then i click a link and read the related article, then i click a link and read a related article... and so this continues until i feel tired(or the net accessing time allowed elapse which is first).. [its a process like using a Eng-Eng dictionary to get meaning of the word by a boy who emerged from a village where only 20% people are educated --- A personal experience :)]
So, when i seen the opportunity to give back to wiki.. a 100 watts bulb lighted in my heart& mind so donate.. :)
Note: I did donate only $3 and speaking this much (like PARI VALLAL the great donator @Tamil) ha ha :). I did post this not to show that i donate $3 to wiki foundation but try to spread the awareness about wikipedia and make others(My friends ;)) to donate. Please pals donate to wiki...
The following is the mail what i got from wiki as acknowledgement of donation.
> Dear Karthikeyan,
> Thank you for your gift of USD 3 to the Wikimedia Foundation, received on December 22, 2010. I’m very grateful for your support.
> Your donation celebrates everything Wikipedia and its sister sites stand for: the power of information to help people live better lives, and the importance of sharing, freedom, learning and discovery. Thank you so much for helping to keep these projects freely available for their more than 400 million monthly readers around the world.
> Your money supports technology and people. The Wikimedia Foundation develops and improves the technology behind Wikipedia and nine other projects, and sustains the infrastructure that keeps them up and running. The Foundation has a staff of about fifty, which provides technical, administrative, legal and outreach support for the global community of volunteers who write and edit Wikipedia.
> Many people love Wikipedia, but a surprising number don't know it's run by a non-profit. Please help us spread the word by telling a few of your friends.
> And again, thank you for supporting free knowledge.
> Sincerely Yours,
> Sue Gardner
> Executive Director
> * To donate: http://donate.wikimedia.org
> * To visit our Blog: http://blog.wikimedia.org
> * To follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/wikimedia
> * To follow us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/wikipedia
> Thank you for your gift of USD 3 to the Wikimedia Foundation, received on December 22, 2010. I’m very grateful for your support.
> Your donation celebrates everything Wikipedia and its sister sites stand for: the power of information to help people live better lives, and the importance of sharing, freedom, learning and discovery. Thank you so much for helping to keep these projects freely available for their more than 400 million monthly readers around the world.
> Your money supports technology and people. The Wikimedia Foundation develops and improves the technology behind Wikipedia and nine other projects, and sustains the infrastructure that keeps them up and running. The Foundation has a staff of about fifty, which provides technical, administrative, legal and outreach support for the global community of volunteers who write and edit Wikipedia.
> Many people love Wikipedia, but a surprising number don't know it's run by a non-profit. Please help us spread the word by telling a few of your friends.
> And again, thank you for supporting free knowledge.
> Sincerely Yours,
> Sue Gardner
> Executive Director
> * To donate: http://donate.wikimedia.org
> * To visit our Blog: http://blog.wikimedia.org
> * To follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/wikimedia
> * To follow us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/
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