Monday, January 10, 2011

How to find out the package from which a command (comes) is available?

From starting of the linux usage we all using the command mkdir, copy, mv .. etc.
So do ever wish to identify from which package a certain command is (installed) availabe.

If you got a doubt like so, here is the solution how to find the package name that provide the certain command.

1. First find out the place where the command(binary) is? using

Ex:$whereis mv
$mv: /bin/mv /usr/share/man/man1/mv.1.gz <--Out put for above command is like this

So, the command binary of the command is resides in the folder /bin/

2. Now issue the following command to find out the package which provides 'mv' command
$dpkg -S
EX:$dpkg -S /bin/mv
$coreutils: /bin/mv <-- Output for above command is like this

So, the package(name) that provides mv is "coreutils".

Thats it.. :)

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