Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Gpick - A Color picker for debian based GNU/Linux .

Screenshot of gpicker 
   After a long time again tried to create web page with HTML5 & CSS3.  As the work progressed as usual endup with doubts/needs/queries.   This time it is about getting the hexadecimal code of a color for using in CSS.  Some of friends told that to know the color code, first take screenshot of a we page or the desktop application & open the same in gimp then using the color picker tool find the color code.  This is one kind of solution (like going around one's head to touch one's nose... :p).

I came across this awesome desktop applicaiton called "Gpick" home page of Gpick (Yes, for GNOME Desktop environment).   Its just cool, I need not even to explain how to use this application, it as simple.  Just install by

$sudo apt-get install gpick

and give a try.

Note: I am using BOSS GNU/Linux a indian version debian linux.

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