Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Enable Quick search in synaptic manager

Some times the quick search in synaptic manager of debian derived linux distros disabled. So, how to enable it..

Step 1:
Check whether the apt-xapian-index package is installed or not using

#sudo dpkg -l | grep apt-xapian*

a) Installed already then follow step 2
b) If not installed already then install the package with following command

#sudo apt-get install apt-xapian-index

Step 2:
Now issue the following command
#sudo update-apt-xapian-index -vf

Step 3:
Now open/run the synaptic manager application.



Th CBentes said...

Tks very very much.. work here!!

Unknown said...

how to run synaptic manager from terminal

TOMats said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Karthikeyan said...

Hello TOMats, I accidentally removed your comment. Any how your comment goes like " Which is the command to open synaptic package manager sudo synaptic or sudo synaptic-pkexec?" You can use both, these two will open synaptic package manager..