Some times the quick search in synaptic manager of debian derived linux distros disabled. So, how to enable it..
Step 1:
Check whether the apt-xapian-index package is installed or not using
#sudo dpkg -l | grep apt-xapian*
a) Installed already then follow step 2
b) If not installed already then install the package with following command
#sudo apt-get install apt-xapian-index
Step 2:
Now issue the following command
#sudo update-apt-xapian-index -vf
Step 3:
Now open/run the synaptic manager application.
Tks very very much.. work here!!
how to run synaptic manager from terminal
Hello TOMats, I accidentally removed your comment. Any how your comment goes like " Which is the command to open synaptic package manager sudo synaptic or sudo synaptic-pkexec?" You can use both, these two will open synaptic package manager..
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