Monday, December 19, 2011

How to create a simple local apt repository?

This post is regarding debian based distros which supports .deb, so the procedures are not applicable for distros that uses .rpm like fedora, redhat etc..

How to do:
1. Create a directory named "repo" in your home directory.  say $mkdir /home/test/repo
2. Copy all the debs you have into the /home/test/repo
3. Open your terminal as root and do the following & change directory to /home/test/repo
    #mkdir /home/test/repo
     #cd /home/test/repo
     #dpkg-scanpackages . /dev/null | gzip -9c > ./Packages.gz

Here, '.' specifies -> present working directory
/dev/null specifies -> override file, as we not going to use override file we give /dev/null
gzip -9c>./Packages.gz -> Compresses the package details into the file Packages.gz
(Packages.gz will be created within the present working directory)
4. add the following line in your /etc/apt/sources.list file
deb file:/home/test/repo/ /
5. Update your system using apt-get update command
#apt-get update
6. Thats all now your /var/lib/apt/lists will be updated
Note: Remember now whenever you use "apt-cache search" "apt-get install" it only installs from debs inside /home/test/repo.

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